A RESTful API for interacting with Expo.
Base URL
Every Expo request requires the following config:
// Content-Type: application/json
"config": {
// No config required!
"payload": {
// Function specific payload
Send single Push Notification
To send a single Push Notification, ensure that the "to" inside "payload" is a single string.
// POST https://flock-api.pollygot.com/v1/expo/sms/send?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY
// Content-Type: application/json
"config": {
// Expo config
"payload": {
// Required
"to": "ExponentPushToken[...]", // {string} An Expo push token specifying the recipient of this message.
// Optional
"data": {}, // {object}? A JSON object delivered to your app.
"title": "...", // {string}? The title to display in the notification.
"body": "...", // {string}? The message to display in the notification
"ttl": "...", // {number}? Time to Live: the number of seconds for which the message may be kept around for redelivery if it hasn't been delivered yet.
"expiration": "...", // {number}? A timestamp since the UNIX epoch specifying when the message expires.
"priority": "...", // {'default' | 'normal' | 'high'}? The delivery priority of the message.
// iOS-specific fields
"badge": 0, // {number}? Number to display in the badge on the app icon. Specify zero to clear the badge.
"sound": "...", // {'default' | null}? A sound to play when the recipient receives this notification.
// Android-specific fields
"channelId": "...", // {string}? The message to display in the notification
Send batch Push Notification
To send the same Push Notification to multiple users, ensure that the "to" inside "expo" is an array of strings.
// POST https://flock-api.pollygot.com/v1/nexmo/sms/send?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY
// Content-Type: application/json
"config": {
// Expo config
"to": ["ExponentPushToken[...]", "ExponentPushToken[...]"],
"body": "Hello world!"
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